Earlier this year Cormac Freehill, our Managing Director, was appointed as one of four new members to the NI Building Regulations Advisory Committee (NIBRAC) for three years. Cormac and other NIBRAC members will advise the Department of Finance on the amendment of building regulations and on other associated matters referred to it.
Cormac is a Chartered Engineer and highly experienced Building Services Engineer specialising in Passivhaus and Nearly Zero-Energy Building (NZEB) construction.
“I am delighted to have been appointed to the NIBRAC committee and represent the Construction (non-domestic) area of expertise on NIBRAC. In this role I have an opportunity to help influence important changes to our building standards and future sustainability within Northern Ireland’s Built environment.”
Chaired by Mabel Higgins of MH Fire Safety Engineers, NIBRAC is made up of eight members with expertise in building regulations and related fields.